Table: editions

30575John Hetland2013-11-182013-11-18Sources: The polyphony is from ''Jacob Obrecht: Opera omnia'', edited by A. Smijers, Amsterdam, 1956; the chant is from ''Liber Usualis'', 1956. Notation here is at the original key with time values halved. Translation, text underlay and ''musica ficta'' by John Hetland and the Renaissance Street Singers. 12 Apr 2007.95086Salve Regina à 6 (Jacob Obrecht)Salve Regina à 6Jacob Obrecht2024-03-19 17:42:10

Table: files

30575.2Obre-sal6.MID30575internalsoundsoundmid{{Mid}}  Chant:2024-03-19 17:42:10
30575.1Obre-sal6.pdf30575internalscorescorepdf{{Pdf}} 885CPDLLetter192024-03-19 17:42:10
30575.3Obre-sal6-c.mxl30575internalsourcesourceMusic XML{{XML}}  Polyphony:2024-03-19 17:42:10
30575.4Obre-sal6.mxl30575internalsourcesource2Music XML{{XML}} 2024-03-19 17:42:10