Table: editions

35838John Hetland2015-06-212015-06-21Our source: ''Nicolai Gombert: Opera omnia'', vol. 7, ed. Joseph Schmidt-Görg, AIM, 1968. Notation here is at the original pitch with time values halved. Translation, text underlay and ''musica ficta'' by John Hetland and the Renaissance Street Singers. 14 Aug 2013115021Hodie Beata Virgo Maria (Nicolas Gombert)Hodie Beata Virgo MariaNicolas Gombert2023-09-16 08:30:38

Table: files

35838.3Gomb-hod.mxl35838internalsourcesourceMusic XML{{XML}} 2023-09-16 08:30:38
35838.2Gomb-hod.MID35838internalsoundsoundmid{{Mid}} 2023-09-16 08:30:38
35838.1Gomb-hod.pdf35838internalscorescorepdf{{Pdf}} 1146CPDLLetter92023-09-16 08:30:38