La belle margarite a 6 (Jacobus Clemens non Papa)

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  • (Posted 2011-10-11)  CPDL #24699:        (Finale 2008)
Editor: André Vierendeels (submitted 2011-10-11).   Score information: A4, 6 pages, 67 kB   Copyright: CPDL
Edition notes:

General Information

Title: La belle margarite a 6
Composer: Jacobus Clemens non Papa

Number of voices: 6vv   Voicing: STTTBB
Genre: SecularChanson

Language: French
Instruments: A cappella

First published: 1550 in Treziesme livre contenant vingt et deux chansons, no. 15
Description: not to be confused with a 5 part setting

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Original text and translations

French.png French text

La belle marguerite,
c'est une noble fleur
prenez (malgré) qu'elle est petite
elle est de grande valeur.

English.png English translation

Note: “Marguerite” is a kind of daisy in English as well as being a woman’s name (“Margaret”). The double-entendre allows two significantly different interpretations of the lyrics – something that Clemens almost certainly intended.

Version 1
The daisy sweet and fair
Is a noble flower
Pluck it early if you dare,
That’s its finest hour.

Version 2
Margaret sweet and fair
Is a noble flower
Take her young if you dare,
That’s her finest hour.

Translation by Thomas Daughton