O esca viatorum

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Latin.png Latin text

1  O esca viatorum,
O panis angelorum,
O manna coelitum,
Esurientes ciba
Dulcedine non priva
Corda quaerentium.

2  O lympha, fons amoris,
Qui puro Salvatoris
E corde profluis
Te sitientes pota
Haec sola nostra vota,
His una sufficis.

3  O Jesu, tuum vultum
Quem colimus occultum
Sub panis specie.
Fac, ut remoto velo
Post libera in coelo
Cernamus facie.

English.png English translation

1. O food of men wayfaring,
The bread of angels sharing,
O Manna from on high!
We hunger; Lord, supply us,
Nor thy delights deny us,
Whose hearts to thee draw nigh.

2. O Stream of love past telling.
O purest fountain, welling
From out the Saviour’s side!
We faint with thirst; revive us,
Of thine abundance give us,
And all we need provide.

3. O Jesu, by thee bidden,
We here adore thee, hidden
‘Neath forms of bread and wine.
Grant when the veil is riven,
We may behold, in heaven,
Thy countenance divine.
Translation by Athelstan Riley

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