Vaghi boschetti di soavi allori

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General information

Author: Ludovico Ariosto, 1516 in Orlando Furioso. Canto VI ottava 21.

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Text and translations

Italian.png Italian text

Vaghi boschetti di soavi allori,
di palme e d’amenissime mortelle,
cedri et aranci ch’avean frutti e fiori
contesti in varie forme e tutte belle,
facean riparo ai fervidi calori
de’ giorni estivi con lor spesse ombrelle;
e tra quei rami con sicuri voli
cantando se ne giano i rosignuoli.

English.png English translation

Small thickets, with the scented laurel gay,
Cedar, and orange, full of fruit and flower,
Myrtle and palm, with interwoven spray,
Pleached in mixed modes, all lovely, form a bower;
And, breaking with their shade the scorching ray,
Make a cool shelter from the noontide hour.
And nightingales among those branches wing
Their flight, and safely amorous descants sing.

Translation by William Stewart Rose
English.png English translation

Beautiful groves of laurels,
palms, sweet myrtles, cedars,
and citrus trees that fruit and flower at once
(set out in different ways, and all so fair),
giving shade from the summer sun
with their thick canopy:
among those branches the nightingales
fly securely, singing with joy.

Translation by Nicholas Jones

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