O peaceful night (Edward German)

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  • (Posted 2023-10-20)  CPDL #76477:     
Editor: David Anderson (submitted 2023-10-20).   Score information: Letter, 8 pages, 673 kB   Copyright: Personal
Edition notes: SATB
  • (Posted 2022-01-02)  CPDL #67323:         
Editor: James Gibb (submitted 2022-01-02).   Score information: A4, 6 pages, 164 kB   Copyright: CPDL
Edition notes: TTBB version. Dedicated to the Alma Mater male voice choir. Includes a keyboard reduction of the a cappella choral score.
  • (Posted 2017-12-27)  CPDL #48207:         
Editor: James Gibb (submitted 2017-12-27).   Score information: A4, 4 pages, 81 kB   Copyright: CPDL
Edition notes: SATB version. Reformatting of #7736, with minor adjustments to the underlay.
  • (Posted 2012-11-22)  CPDL #27632:        (Sibelius 7)
Editor: Ian Haslam (submitted 2012-11-22).   Score information: A4, 4 pages, 524 kB   Copyright: CPDL
Edition notes:
  • (Posted 2004-08-08)  CPDL #07736:      (Sibelius 2)
Editor: Stuart McIntosh (submitted 2004-08-08).   Score information: A4, 4 pages, 124 kB   Copyright: Personal
Edition notes:

General Information

Title: O Peaceful Night
Composer: Edward German
Lyricist: William Herbert Scottcreate page

Number of voices: 4vv   Voicings: SATB or TTBB
Genre: SecularPartsong

Language: English
Instruments: A cappella

First published:
    2nd published: 1904 The Orpheus no.370

External websites:

Original text and translations

English.png English text

O peaceful night! so calm and still,
the moonlight sleeps on vale and hill
And soft the brooklet hurries by
with murm'rous flow of lullaby
Till life awakes a down the dale
sweet music of the nightingale
O peaceful night! Stay with us, stay
O peaceful night, o dream of day
Stay with us, stay
O stay, peaceful night
O with us stay

O mystic night, in woodland shade
Thou know'st a fairy haunted glade
where laughing elves with tiny feet
go tripping through the meadowsweet
Till in the silent sky afar
Again shines forth the morning star

O mystic night
Stay, with us stay
O peaceful night, o dream of day,stay
Stay with us, o stay!O stay
Peaceful night, o with us stay
O peaceful night, stay with us, stay!

Spanish.png Spanish translation

¡Oh, noche serena! Tan calma y quieta,
La luz de la luna duerme sobre el valle y la colina
Y suave el arroyo corre / se agita
con susurrante fluir de canción de cuna
Hasta que la vida despierta en el valle

¡Dulce música del ruiseñor
¡Oh, noche serena, quédate con nosotros!
¡Oh, noche serena,
oh, sueño del día
¡Quédate con nosotros, quédate!

Oh, quédate noche serena,
con nosotros quédate,
Oh, noche mística,
en la sombra del bosque
tú conociste un claro encantado por las hadas
donde duendes risueños, de diminutos pies
bailan por la hierba
Hasta que en el silencioso cielo, a la distancia
nuevamente brilla el lucero del alba
Oh, noche mística
Con nosotros quédate
Oh, noche serena, o sueño del día
con nosotros quédate